Flutter iOS Embedder
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
10 @implementation FlutterEngineGroupOptions
11 @end
13 @interface FlutterEngineGroup ()
14 @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* name;
15 @property(nonatomic, strong) NSPointerArray* engines;
16 @property(nonatomic, copy) FlutterDartProject* project;
17 @property(nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger enginesCreatedCount;
18 @end
20 @implementation FlutterEngineGroup
22 - (instancetype)initWithName:(NSString*)name project:(nullable FlutterDartProject*)project {
23  self = [super init];
24  if (self) {
25  _name = [name copy];
26  _engines = [NSPointerArray weakObjectsPointerArray];
27  _project = project;
28  }
29  return self;
30 }
32 - (FlutterEngine*)makeEngineWithEntrypoint:(nullable NSString*)entrypoint
33  libraryURI:(nullable NSString*)libraryURI {
34  return [self makeEngineWithEntrypoint:entrypoint libraryURI:libraryURI initialRoute:nil];
35 }
37 - (FlutterEngine*)makeEngineWithEntrypoint:(nullable NSString*)entrypoint
38  libraryURI:(nullable NSString*)libraryURI
39  initialRoute:(nullable NSString*)initialRoute {
40  FlutterEngineGroupOptions* options = [[FlutterEngineGroupOptions alloc] init];
41  options.entrypoint = entrypoint;
42  options.libraryURI = libraryURI;
43  options.initialRoute = initialRoute;
44  return [self makeEngineWithOptions:options];
45 }
47 - (FlutterEngine*)makeEngineWithOptions:(nullable FlutterEngineGroupOptions*)options {
48  NSString* entrypoint = options.entrypoint;
49  NSString* libraryURI = options.libraryURI;
50  NSString* initialRoute = options.initialRoute;
51  NSArray<NSString*>* entrypointArgs = options.entrypointArgs;
54  // NSPointerArray is clever and assumes that unless a mutation operation has occurred on it that
55  // has set one of its values to nil, nothing could have changed and it can skip compaction.
56  // That's reasonable behaviour on a regular NSPointerArray but not for a weakObjectPointerArray.
57  // As a workaround, we mutate it first. See: http://www.openradar.me/15396578
58  [self.engines addPointer:nil];
59  [self.engines compact];
60  if (self.engines.count <= 0) {
61  engine = [self makeEngine];
62  [engine runWithEntrypoint:entrypoint
63  libraryURI:libraryURI
64  initialRoute:initialRoute
65  entrypointArgs:entrypointArgs];
66  } else {
67  FlutterEngine* spawner = (__bridge FlutterEngine*)[self.engines pointerAtIndex:0];
68  engine = [spawner spawnWithEntrypoint:entrypoint
69  libraryURI:libraryURI
70  initialRoute:initialRoute
71  entrypointArgs:entrypointArgs];
72  }
73  [self.engines addPointer:(__bridge void*)engine];
75  return engine;
76 }
78 - (FlutterEngine*)makeEngine {
79  NSString* engineName =
80  [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%lu", self.name, ++self.enginesCreatedCount];
81  return [[FlutterEngine alloc] initWithName:engineName project:self.project];
82 }
84 @end
NSString * _name
NSArray< NSString * > * entrypointArgs
FlutterEngine * spawnWithEntrypoint:libraryURI:initialRoute:entrypointArgs:(/*nullable */NSString *entrypoint,[libraryURI]/*nullable */NSString *libraryURI,[initialRoute]/*nullable */NSString *initialRoute,[entrypointArgs]/*nullable */NSArray< NSString * > *entrypointArgs)
BOOL runWithEntrypoint:libraryURI:initialRoute:entrypointArgs:(nullable NSString *entrypoint,[libraryURI] nullable NSString *libraryURI,[initialRoute] nullable NSString *initialRoute,[entrypointArgs] nullable NSArray< NSString * > *entrypointArgs)