#import <SemanticsObject.h>
Instance Methods | |
(instancetype) | - NS_UNAVAILABLE |
(instancetype) | - initWithAccessibilityContainer: |
(instancetype) | - initWithSemanticsObject:bridge: |
Class Methods | |
(instancetype) | + NS_UNAVAILABLE |
Properties | |
SemanticsObject * | semanticsObject |
Represents a semantics object that has children and hence has to be presented to the OS as a UIAccessibilityContainer.
The SemanticsObject class cannot implement the UIAccessibilityContainer protocol because an object that returns YES for isAccessibilityElement cannot also implement UIAccessibilityContainer.
With the help of SemanticsObjectContainer, the hierarchy of semantic objects received from the framework, such as:
SemanticsObject1 SemanticsObject2 SemanticsObject3 SemanticsObject4
is translated into the following hierarchy, which is understood by iOS:
SemanticsObjectContainer1 SemanticsObject1 SemanticsObjectContainer2 SemanticsObject2 SemanticsObject3 SemanticsObject4
From Flutter's view of the world (the first tree seen above), we construct iOS's view of the world (second tree) as follows: We replace each SemanticsObjects that has children with a SemanticsObjectContainer, which has the original SemanticsObject and its children as children.
SemanticsObjects have semantic information attached to them which is interpreted by VoiceOver (they return YES for isAccessibilityElement). The SemanticsObjectContainers are just there for structure and they don't provide any semantic information to VoiceOver (they return NO for isAccessibilityElement).
Definition at line 227 of file SemanticsObject.h.
- (instancetype) initWithAccessibilityContainer: | (id) | NS_UNAVAILABLE |
- (instancetype) initWithSemanticsObject: | (SemanticsObject*) | semanticsObject | |
bridge: | (fml::WeakPtr<flutter::AccessibilityBridgeIos>) | NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER | |
Definition at line 869 of file SemanticsObject.mm.
- (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE |
+ (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE |
readwritenonatomicweak |
Definition at line 235 of file SemanticsObject.h.