RawMagnifier constructor

const RawMagnifier({
  1. Key? key,
  2. Widget? child,
  3. MagnifierDecoration decoration = const MagnifierDecoration(),
  4. Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none,
  5. Offset focalPointOffset = Offset.zero,
  6. double magnificationScale = 1,
  7. required Size size,

Constructs a RawMagnifier.

By default, this magnifier uses the default MagnifierDecoration (which draws nothing), the focal point is directly under the magnifier, and there is no magnification; this means that a default magnifier will be entirely invisible to the naked eye, painting exactly what is under it, exactly where it was painted originally.


const RawMagnifier({
  this.decoration = const MagnifierDecoration(),
  this.clipBehavior = Clip.none,
  this.focalPointOffset = Offset.zero,
  this.magnificationScale = 1,
  required this.size,
}) : assert(magnificationScale != 0, 'Magnification scale of 0 results in undefined behavior.');