uninstallDeferredComponent static method

Future<void> uninstallDeferredComponent({
  1. required String componentName,

Requests that a deferred component identified by the componentName be uninstalled.

Since uninstallation typically requires significant disk i/o, this method only signals the intent to uninstall. Completion of the returned future indicates that the request to uninstall has been registered. Actual uninstallation (e.g., removal of assets and files) may occur at a later time. However, once uninstallation is requested, the deferred component should not be used anymore until installDeferredComponent or loadLibrary() is called again.

It is safe to request an uninstall when dart code from the component is in use, but assets from the component should not be used once the component uninstall is requested. The dart code will remain usable in the app's current session but is not guaranteed to work in future sessions.

See also:

  • installDeferredComponent, a method to install asset-only components.
  • loadLibrary, the dart method to trigger the installation of the corresponding deferred component that contains the dart library.


static Future<void> uninstallDeferredComponent({required String componentName}) async {
  await SystemChannels.deferredComponent.invokeMethod<void>(
    <String, dynamic>{'loadingUnitId': -1, 'componentName': componentName},