positionDependentBox function
Position a child box within a container box, either above or below a target point.
The container's size is described by size
The target point is specified by target
, as an offset from the top left of
the container.
The child box's size is given by childSize
The return value is the suggested distance from the top left of the container box to the top left of the child box.
The suggested position will be above the target point if preferBelow
false, and below the target point if it is true, unless it wouldn't fit on
the preferred side but would fit on the other side.
The suggested position will place the nearest side of the child to the
target point verticalOffset
from the target point (even if it cannot fit
given that constraint).
The suggested position will be at least margin
away from the edge of the
container. If possible, the child will be positioned so that its center is
aligned with the target point. If the child cannot fit horizontally within
the container given the margin, then the child will be centered in the
Used by Tooltip to position a tooltip relative to its parent.
Offset positionDependentBox({
required Size size,
required Size childSize,
required Offset target,
required bool preferBelow,
double verticalOffset = 0.0,
double margin = 10.0,
}) {
final bool fitsBelow = target.dy + verticalOffset + childSize.height <= size.height - margin;
final bool fitsAbove = target.dy - verticalOffset - childSize.height >= margin;
final bool tooltipBelow = fitsAbove == fitsBelow ? preferBelow : fitsBelow;
final double y;
if (tooltipBelow) {
y = math.min(target.dy + verticalOffset, size.height - margin);
} else {
y = math.max(target.dy - verticalOffset - childSize.height, margin);
final double flexibleSpace = size.width - childSize.width;
final double x =
flexibleSpace <= 2 * margin
// If there's not enough horizontal space for margin + child, center the
// child.
? flexibleSpace / 2.0
: clampDouble(target.dx - childSize.width / 2, margin, flexibleSpace - margin);
return Offset(x, y);