TapAndDragGestureRecognizer constructor
- @Deprecated('Use TapAndPanGestureRecognizer instead. ' 'TapAndPanGestureRecognizer works exactly the same but has a more disambiguated name from BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.9.0-19.0.pre.')
- Object? debugOwner,
- Set<
PointerDeviceKind> ? supportedDevices,
Create a gesture recognizer for interactions on a plane.
'Use TapAndPanGestureRecognizer instead. '
'TapAndPanGestureRecognizer works exactly the same but has a more disambiguated name from BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.9.0-19.0.pre.',
TapAndDragGestureRecognizer({super.debugOwner, super.supportedDevices});