Diagnosticable mixin
A mixin class for providing string and DiagnosticsNode debug representations describing the properties of an object.
The string debug representation is generated from the intermediate DiagnosticsNode representation. The DiagnosticsNode representation is also used by debugging tools displaying interactive trees of objects and properties.
See also:
- debugFillProperties, which lists best practices for specifying the properties of a DiagnosticsNode. The most common use case is to override debugFillProperties defining custom properties for a subclass of DiagnosticableTreeMixin using the existing DiagnosticsProperty subclasses.
- DiagnosticableTree, which extends this class to also describe the children of a tree structured object.
- DiagnosticableTree.debugDescribeChildren, which lists best practices for describing the children of a DiagnosticsNode. Typically the base class already describes the children of a node properly or a node has no children.
- DiagnosticsProperty, which should be used to create leaf diagnostic nodes without properties or children. There are many DiagnosticsProperty subclasses to handle common use cases.
- Mixin applications
- Action
- ActionDispatcher
- ActionIconThemeData
- AnimationStyle
- AppBarTheme
- AppLifecycleListener
- BadgeThemeData
- BorderSide
- BottomAppBarTheme
- BottomNavigationBarThemeData
- BottomSheetThemeData
- ButtonBarThemeData
- ButtonStyle
- ButtonThemeData
- CardTheme
- CardThemeData
- CharacterActivator
- CheckboxThemeData
- ChipThemeData
- ColorScheme
- CupertinoDynamicColor
- CupertinoIconThemeData
- CupertinoTextThemeData
- CupertinoThemeData
- DataTableThemeData
- DatePickerThemeData
- Decoration
- DiagnosticableTree
- DialogTheme
- DialogThemeData
- DividerThemeData
- DrawerThemeData
- DropdownMenuThemeData
- ElevatedButtonThemeData
- ExpansionTileThemeData
- FilledButtonThemeData
- FloatingActionButtonThemeData
- FlutterErrorDetails
- FocusOrder
- FocusTraversalPolicy
- IconButtonThemeData
- IconThemeData
- ImageChunkEvent
- ImageStream
- ImageStreamCompleter
- InputDecorationTheme
- Intent
- KeyboardKey
- KeyEvent
- ListTileThemeData
- LogicalKeySet
- MaterialBannerThemeData
- MenuButtonThemeData
- MenuStyle
- MenuThemeData
- MouseCursor
- MouseTrackerAnnotation
- NavigationBarThemeData
- NavigationDrawerThemeData
- NavigationRailThemeData
- OutlinedButtonThemeData
- PageTransitionsTheme
- PlatformMenuItem
- PointerEvent
- PopupMenuThemeData
- ProgressIndicatorThemeData
- RadioThemeData
- RawKeyEvent
- RawKeyEventData
- ScrollbarThemeData
- SearchBarThemeData
- SearchViewThemeData
- SegmentedButtonThemeData
- SelectedContent
- SelectedContentRange
- SelectionGeometry
- SelectionPoint
- SemanticsData
- SemanticsSortKey
- ShortcutManager
- SingleActivator
- SliderThemeData
- SliverGeometry
- SnackBarThemeData
- State
- StepStyle
- StrutStyle
- SwitchThemeData
- TabBarTheme
- TabBarThemeData
- TapDragDownDetails
- TapDragEndDetails
- TapDragStartDetails
- TapDragUpdateDetails
- TapDragUpDetails
- TextButtonThemeData
- TextEditingDelta
- TextSelectionThemeData
- TextStyle
- TextTheme
- ThemeData
- TimePickerThemeData
- ToggleButtonsThemeData
- TooltipThemeData
- Typography
- VisualDensity
- WidgetStateMapper
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void - Add additional properties associated with the node.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
{String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) → DiagnosticsNode - Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
{DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.info}) → String -
A string representation of this object.
) → String - A brief description of this object, usually just the runtimeType and the hashCode.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.