verifyTickersWereDisposed method
- String when = 'when none should have been'
Throws an exception if any tickers created by the WidgetTester are still active when the method is called.
An argument can be specified to provide a string that will be used in the error message. It should be an adverbial phrase describing the current situation, such as "at the end of the test".
void verifyTickersWereDisposed([String when = 'when none should have been']) {
if (_tickers != null) {
for (final Ticker ticker in _tickers!) {
if (ticker.isActive) {
throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[
ErrorSummary('A Ticker was active $when.'),
ErrorDescription('All Tickers must be disposed.'),
'Tickers used by AnimationControllers '
'should be disposed by calling dispose() on the AnimationController itself. '
'Otherwise, the ticker will leak.',
ticker.describeForError('The offending ticker was'),