byPredicate method
- SemanticsNodePredicate predicate, {
- DescribeMatchCallback? describeMatch,
- FlutterView? view,
Finds any SemanticsNodes matching the given predicate
If describeMatch
is provided, it will be used to describe the
FinderBase and FinderResults.
The description returned should be a brief English phrase describing a
matching candidate with the proper plural form. As an example for a string
finder that is looking for strings starting with "hello":
String describeMatch(Plurality plurality) {
return switch (plurality) { || Plurality.many => 'strings starting with "hello"', => 'string starting with "hello"',
The view
provided will be used to determine the semantics tree where
the search will be evaluated. If not provided, the search will be
evaluated against the semantics tree of WidgetTester.view.
SemanticsFinder byPredicate(
SemanticsNodePredicate predicate, {
DescribeMatchCallback? describeMatch,
FlutterView? view,
}) {
return _PredicateSemanticsFinder(predicate, describeMatch, view);